​This work involved four capstone projects in the area of self-driving cars. Topics such as wheeled-robot mathematical modelling through dynamical modelling (tire model), lateral and longitudinal control, state estimation with Kalman filters, visual perception and motion planning were addressed. Most of the projects were tested in the Carla Simulator to assess performance. A description of the projects developed are presented below. * Control of a car-like robot through a longitudinal and lateral controller. The longitudinal controller was implemented with a PID and the lateral controller was a cross-track error controller. * Implementation of an error state extended Kalman Filter for the estimation of the trajectory of a vehicle. The filter fused information from a GNSS and IMU alongside the dynamic model of the vehicle to produce an accurate estimation of its trajectory on the space. * Robotics perception stack which detected the drivable space of the vehicle through image segmentation. Canny edge detector was used to detect the lines of the road and a depth representation of the scene was employed to estimate the distance-to-objects in the road and avoid collision using only image-based methods. * Implemented a navigation stack in the Carla simulator with the use of grid world representations and state machines for a simple navigation strategy.